Getting Started
ALL scholarship application packets submitted to Grace Methodist Church (Grace MC)
MUST also contain the following information:
List of all the Grace MC scholarships for which you have submitted an application.
Provide transcripts – one only of each transcript, copies will be created for the listed Grace MC scholarships. If you have previously been approved for a scholarship, you do NOT need to send a copy of your high school transcripts. If you should be awarded a scholarship an official transcript will be required by June 26, 2025.
Reference letters – one for each requested number on application. All reference letters need to be written within the last year.
If students need clarification on scholarship applications, those questions may be emailed to: gracemcscholarships@gmail.com Please put the name of the scholarship in the “subject” line. This year’s deadline for submission is Thursday, March 20, 2025.
Once packets are received no other copies will be made, (other than transcripts).