Our Compass
Grace Methodist Church seeks to embody a set of values, beliefs, and principles that create a culture that is centered on Christ. We are Spirit-filled followers who are seeking transformation for ourselves and those around us so that we may experience the abundant life that is only found in Jesus Christ! Our compass is a guide to help us know we are on the right path to further the kingdom of heaven here on earth.

Grace Methodist Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness across the globe! We desire to bring people to new life in Jesus Christ, helping them to grow in holiness, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
To join God in a journey of brining new life, reconciliation, and the presence of Christ to all people and to help each person reflect the character of Christ. We desire hearts and lives to be transformed, that we may become holy as HE is holy!

Core Values
1. Biblical Teaching: We aim to share with all people the whole counsel of God grounded in scripture because we believe it provides a framework for living a life that is righteous and purposeful.
2. Trust & Faith: We seek to trust and be trustworthy at every level. We choose trust over suspicion because we ultimately put our faith and trust in God.
3. Relationships First: We values people over programs; building and maintaining relationships over completing tasks.
4. Growing & Multiplying: We seek to be discipled and to make disciples. If we are not growing then we are dying.